Irans Präsident Khamenei verurteilt olympische Eröffnungsfeier: indiskutabel, beleidigend. Der Vatikan hat auch reagiert. Papst Franziskus noch nicht. Kontaktdaten IOC

„Respect or Jesus Christ is an indisputable, definite matter for Muslims. We condemn these insults directed at the holy figures of divine religion, including Jesus Christ“ – Der Respekt vor Jesus Christus ist für die Muslime eine unbestreitbare und eindeutige Angelegenheit. Wir verurteilen diese Beleidigungen, die gegen die heiligen Figuren der göttlichen Religion, einschließlich Jesus Christus, gerichtet sind.

Ursprüngliche Quelle: YouTube Dr Taylor Marshall, USA, 31.07.24. Der Blogger geht dabei auch auf die Reaktion von Mel Gibson ein: „Mel Gibson recently explained that the Olympics ceremony mocked his Catholic Faith. Do you agree with Mel: “The Olympic ceremony in France mocked my faith. Who do they think they are that they can do this? Giving the gold medal to a biological male in women’s swimming had already made me boycott the games, but this offense has sealed the deal. Who conceived & designed that display? – It’s telling that the Ayatollah in Iran condemns this disgusting offensive display & yet our apostate,schismatic excuse for a pope says nothing, but we know that the last 11 years is just Halloween for Jorge Bergoglio.” – Subscribe to this channel for future updates on this topic:…

Defend Jesus: Whom to Contact at the Olympics!

In his homily during Mass today (7/28/24) at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, talks about the controversy surrounding the Olympic Opening Ceremony, what happened and what you can do. Über 1Mio. Aufrufe am 28.0.24. 481.000 Abonnenten.

YouTube Divine Mercy, 28. Juli 2024

Contact the International Olympic Committee (IOC): By phone (international): 011 41 21 621 61 11 E-mail: Contact them through their website: Write to them at: Maison Olympique 1007 Lausanne Switzerland

Response to the Olympics Not Being About the Last Supper.

The organizers of the Paris Olympics issued an “apology” over the blasphemous depiction of the Last Supper during the Opening Ceremonies, stating, “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group.” In his homily today, the Very Rev. Chris Alar, MIC, reveals how the very opposite is true, and encourages us to protest this outrage to the International Olympic. 27.255 Aufrufe am 30.07.24.

YouTube 30.07.24